Our youth ministry for middle school and high school students!
Our Vision: We gather to fellowship as young people and devote ourselves to God.
Our Mission: We want students who graduate to love and know God, love others through service, and make disciples of all nations.
Sunday School
We offer Sunday school classes from 9:30 - 10:30 am for both middle school and high school students.
High school students meet in the youth house bordering Young High Pike and Middle school students meet in the youth house bordering Greenwood Avenue.
The focus of these classes is meaningful engagement with and understanding of God’s Word. After these classes, students go to the main church building and can participate in the 11:00 am worship service or serve in various ministries throughout our church.
Youth Group Meetings
Wed Night Service
This night is for all middle school and high school students. Service is held in the middle school house from 6p-8p throughout the school year.
During this time, our students will engage in fellowship, learning, and reflection on Biblical lessons that foster Biblical understanding and spiritual growth. The teaching of this night is focused on going deeper than just Bible stories in order to see all of scripture as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
Special Events, Retreats, TCTC
Through out the calendar year there are special events that are extra to the Sunday School & Wednesday Night programing for Students to grow deeper in their faith with Jesus and fellowship with one another.
Youth Group Calendar & Permission Form
Please print off and turn in the WCC Youth Group permission forms.
They include emergency information we may need and also permissions
in regards to social media, video games, etc.
Steps For Youth Meal Help:
1. View calendar for available dates; click button above.
2. Please pick a meal that has not been served for at least two weeks.​
3. Email sam@mywoodlawn.org with date and meal choice or any questions you have.
​4. Deliver meal on your date to Youth House (lower parking lot) by 5:30pm.