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Mission - Vision - Values


Transforming people into vibrant mature followers of Jesus Christ.


Our goal is to have discipleship (becoming like Jesus) so ingrained in our church family that it is second nature for everyone to commit to a disciple’s LIFE:

  • Leading people to Jesus

  • Involvement in the church family

  • Following Jesus together

  • Engaging the world




  • We seek to be a welcoming faith community of authentic Christ followers.

  • Worship God with cultural relevance and Biblical reverence.

  • Pursue spiritual growth and Biblical community.

  • Serve the needs of people in our church family and the community of South Knoxville.

  • Support global missions.

  • Seek the reformation of the Church according to New Testament principles for the sake of unity.

  • Accept God's will for our lives and our church.




  • The Lordship of Jesus: If, as someone has said, core values represent the things we would die for, this is our one core value. Nothing is more important to our faith than the Lordship of Jesus. Having raised Jesus from the dead, God, we believe, “has made Him both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36).  As such, “He is the Head of the Church” (Col. 1:18). Consequently, as the One to whom it is ultimately and eternally responsible, the Church is to be subject to Him in all things.

  • The Authority of Scripture: Without Scripture we would not know what we know about Jesus, nor would we know about his plan for the church or his expectations for our lives. We look to no other source as authoritative. We adhere to the Bible as our authority in matters of faith and practice.

  • The Urgency of the Great Commission: What has come to be known as the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) sets forth the marching orders of the church. It expressly includes the Lordship of Jesus (“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”), evangelism (“go and make disciples of all nations”), discipleship (“teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you”), and implicitly it includes worship (“and surely I am with you always”). Nothing is more important to the life of the church than evangelism and discipleship.

  • The Priority of Love: When asked to name the greatest commandment, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).  All that we do must be motivated by our love for God and expressed in a love for our neighbors.

  • The Importance of the Local Church: All of the letters of the New Testament are to or about the local churches. The emphasis of the New Testament is not on Christians doing their own thing, but about disciples living and working in community. The local churches are the instruments through whom the Great Commission (evangelism, discipleship, worship) is to be carried out. Para-church organizations and non-profits have their place in kingdom work, but nothing can replace the work of the local church.




  • Reconciliation — Lost people matter to God, therefore they matter to us.

  • Restoration — God can make people whole; therefore, we care about the whole person- physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

  • Creativity — We creatively respond to our culture with changing methods for sharing an unchanging message

  • Biblical Authority — Biblical teaching leads to transformed lives.

  • Worship: Worship is a lifestyle.

  • Discipleship — Full devotion to Christ is normal for every believer.

  • Community — Life change happens best in the community of small groups.

  • Ministry — Every member is a minister and ministry happens best in teams.

  • Family — We seek to provide an atmosphere which strengthens marriages and families.

  • Prayer — Prayer is the lifeline of the Church.

  • Grace — Unity, love and forgiveness should permeate every aspect of church life.

  • Excellence — Excellence honors God and inspires people.

  • Intention — We are intentional about being the Church by pursuing our Biblical mission, vision, and values.

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Woodlawn Christian Church | 4339 Woodlawn Pike | Knoxville, TN 37920


©2016 Woodlawn Christian Church | All Rights Reserved

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